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Urban Sprawl board game

by : GMT Games

Urban Sprawl board game

Urban Sprawl abstractly models the growth of a town into a thriving city into a teeming metropolis

£49.99 £41.50  In Stock with FREE UK delivery
despatched same / next working day by Royal Mail
or courier estimated delivery*: 1-3 days UK

(*excluding Sunday & public holidays, Christmas post may extend delivery times)

players 2 - 4, ages 12+, 45 - 180 minutes designer(s) : artist(s) : [ BGC stock id 3799]

Description of Urban Sprawl board game

Players assume the roles of entrepreneur, tycoon and politician - each helping in the development of a hypothetical "Anywhere, USA". Wealth and Prestige will be earned and spent throughout the game. Buildings will rise only to later be demolished for better and larger fare.

Throughout the game players will gather valuable Permits. These will result in either a wealthy Investment or the foundation of a new building Contract. Players will strive to become dominant in one or more building Zones in order to acquire beneficial political offices.

All of this eventually leads to the end game - a vibrant metropolis that is revered around the world - when the player with the most Prestige will be crowned the winner.

Contents of Urban Sprawl board game

1 Game Board, 4 Player Mats, 144 Wooden Cubes in four player colors, 4 Wooden Cylinders in four player colors, 1 Orange Wooden Pawn, 165 Cards - 54 in the Building Permit deck - 37 in the Town deck - 37 in the City deck - 37 in the Metropolis deck, 4 Sheets of die-cut Tiles - 128 Buildings - 24 Vocations - 6 Politicians - 1 Contractor - 6 Wealth Markers - 3 Prestige Markers - 1 Active Player Marker - 1 Extra Favor Marker

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